CommunicationEducationLegislative ReformNew South WalesQueenslandVictoriaWestern Australia March 2022 – Strata Regulatory Watch Welcome to the March 2022 edition of the Strata Regulatory Watch newsletter. This is where…David Bugden8 April 2022
all newsBugden Allen LawyersExecutive CommitteeManagement RightsQueensland Remedial Action Notices to Caretakers In this article, Nicole Wilde our Special Counsel on the Gold Coast considers the implications…bagl_admin21 June 2021
all newsEducationQueensland Will your body corporate be footing the legal bill for debt recovery against lot owners? An article by Nicole Wilde, Special Counsel in our Queensland office. Why Body Corporate Debt…bagl_admin3 June 2021
About Strataall newsCase LawEducationLegislative ReformNew South WalesQueenslandResearch PapersUncategorisedVictoriaWestern Australia Strata Managers as Fiduciaries A paper by Gary Bugden OAM. April 2021. Preliminaries 1. Coverage In this paper I…David Bugden1 April 2021
all newsLegislative ReformMeetingsQueensland Further legislative relief for QLD bodies corporate Article by Ashwin Devanathan, Solicitor (Brisbane) On the 2nd of October 2020, the Queensland Government…bagl_admin3 November 2020
all newsBugden Allen LawyersQueensland BAL opens office on the Sunshine Coast We are pleased to announce the opening of our new Sunshine Coast office at Maroochydore. Heading…bagl_admin10 September 2020
all newsCommunicationCovid-19Executive CommitteeNew South WalesQueensland Obligations on residents to advise their schemes if they contract COVID-19 Question: If an owner or resident has contracted COVID-19, do they have any obligations to…bagl_admin19 March 2020
all newsBugden Allen LawyersEducationLegislative ReformNew South WalesQueenslandUncategorizedVictoriaWestern Australia Strata Regulatory Watch – January 2020 This is the 2nd quarterly edition of our Strata Regulatory Watch. This is where we…bagl_admin30 January 2020
all newsBugden Allen LawyersQueenslandUncategorized New Queensland Partner We are pleased to welcome Jason Browne to the team at Bugden Allen Lawyers ("BAL").…bagl_admin20 January 2020
all newsBugden Allen LawyersManagement RightsQueensland Can a body corporate ‘buyback’ a caretaking unit within its own scheme? In certain circumstances, a body corporate may be in a position where it may wish…bagl_admin17 December 2019
all newsCommunicationFinance & AccountingNew South WalesQueenslandVictoria Are your levies recoverable? By Gary Bugden OAM* A recent decision of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal is…bagl_admin20 November 2019
all newsQueensland Airbnb Hosts – what does this recent QLD case mean for you? Article by Jaimi-Lee Johanson from our Brisbane office. Fairway Island GTP v Redman and Murray…bagl_admin14 November 2019