all newsLegislative ReformNew South Wales STRA Code of Conduct to commence in December 2020 The final Code of Conduct governing short term rental accommodation in NSW has been released…bagl_admin28 October 2020
all newsLegislative ReformNew South Wales NSW short term rental accommodation changes starting Friday 10 April Owners Corporations may pass a by-law to limit short term rental accommodation from 10 April…bagl_admin8 April 2020
all newsBugden Allen LawyersEducationLegislative ReformNew South WalesQueenslandUncategorizedVictoriaWestern Australia Strata Regulatory Watch – January 2020 This is the 2nd quarterly edition of our Strata Regulatory Watch. This is where we…bagl_admin30 January 2020
all newsLegislative ReformNew South Wales NSW tenancy laws changing from March 2020 Changes to the residential tenancy laws in NSW start on 23 March 2020, with amendments…bagl_admin17 January 2020
all newsLegislative ReformUncategorizedWestern Australia Western Australian strata laws not far away The Western Australian Parliament has passed the Strata Titles Amendment Act 2018 and the Community…bagl_admin6 November 2019
all newsLegislative ReformQueensland Queensland Regulations – Consultation on draft legislation The Queensland Government is seeking to replace existing modules and regulations for the Body Corporate…bagl_admin6 November 2019
all newsCommunicationLegislative ReformNew South Wales Changes to Utility Supply Agreements in NSW As of 1 October 2019, an amendment to the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 limited…bagl_admin6 November 2019
all newsLegislative ReformVictoria Proposed Overhaul of Victorian Strata Law Victoria is in the final stages of public consultation for its upcoming strata reform legislation.…bagl_admin6 November 2019